The Media and Communication Ministry of the Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church has some great news to share. Today, we’re triple excited to announce that The Roku Channel is now available as one of our broadcast platforms for viewing our live and recorded services on your Roku enabled television or your Roku device attached to your television sets. With this move, you can now watch our broadcasts in HD (High Definition) from the comfort of your living room or bedroom, instead of from your computer or mobile device screen. Now you have a larger viewing real estate!
Head over to the Roku channel on your Roku device and search for VSDABN (Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church Broadcasting Network, a division of our church's Media & Communication Ministry) and add our channel to your list of favorite Roku channels. This platform now brings it to four mediums available for watching our broadcasts.
This move list Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church aka VSDABN, among the 4,500 (2017) churches, other religious organizations, and commercial broadcasters like ABC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, Disney, ESPN, NBA, etc; broadcasting on the Roku channel. Several Seventh-day Adventist broadcasters such as 3ABN, Hope TV, Amazing Facts, Breath of Life, It Is Written, Adventist Channel, Loma Linda 360, also air their programs on the Roku platform. We are blessed to be listed among these giants in Adventist broadcasting.
Our ministry is excited about this new platform, free of cost to you, and its power to reach more individuals and homes with the good news of Jesus Christ! It is our desire as a Media Ministry to continue creating opportunities for the creation and dissemination of relevant and professional social and religious programming, even as we continue improving our broadcast content and quality; in fulfillment of the task we are called to do - "Tell the World"! (our ministry's slogan). Welcome to our Roku Channel - VSDABN!
Published by the Media & Communication Ministry
Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church
1271 Burke Avenue. Bronx. New York
Tel: 718-405-0632 | Fax: 348-866-5621 | E-mail: communication@victorysda.org
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