“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” – 2 Corinthians 5:21.
Redemption! It is the story of a Savior – Jesus Christ – who loves a broken world so much, He gave up His perfect, righteous status and throne, to become the sacrifice necessary for the redemption of sinful man. Mankind is desperate for Hope, desperate for Peace, desperate for Joy, desperate for a world where all is perfect.
Join us this Sabbath (Saturday) at 9:30 am sharp, for a Easter production by VSDABN (Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church Broadcasting Network) a division of our Media and Communication Ministry. It’s an inspiring, emotional, spiritually impressive and creative musical collage which reminds us of that Hope, Peace, Joy and Perfection are available; but only by accepting the redemptive sacrifice offered on a hill called Calvary. The that Redemption is ours to freely claim. The perfect lamb – Christ – which was slain makes it possible – “Because He Is Risen”
Produced by VSDABN (Victory Seventh-day Adventist Broadcasting Network) a division of the Media & Communication Ministry of the Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church.

1271 Burke Avenue. Bronx. New York
Tel: 718-405-0632 | Fax: 348-866-5621
E-mail: victory_sda@hotmail.com
Join us online, Saturdays at 9:30 AM for Church Online at –
- Web: live.victorysda.church
- Facebook: Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church – The Caring Church
- Youtube: VSDABN