Cultural Social


Parade of Nations


Empowered to Wellness

The EmPOWERED and Well Healthier Church Challenge is far into its third week here at the Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church as of March 1, 2020, and evidence is revealing it is impacting is impacting the lives of participants in a positive way.
EmPOWERED and Well Healthier Church Challenge – sponsored by WW (Weight Watchers Reimagined), a global wellness company and the world’s leading commercial weight management program – is spearheaded by the American Heart Association with the goal of supporting the health and wellness of black women and their faith-based communities.
The Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church is one of the 38 churches throughout the United States – Atlanta, GA; Charlotte, NC; Dallas, TX; Los Angeles, CA; New York City, NY; Washington DC, DC; – approved to conduct the program with staff support from local American Heart Association and Weight Watchers.
According to the program’s description “The program is inspired by volunteers who are passionate about driving change through health justice and empowerment. These committed ambassadors are working to make a difference in their communities through advocacy, policy, education and social change.”

Women’s Ministry Intl. Day of Prayer 2020

On Sabbath March 07, 2020 members and friends of Victory joined our church’s Women’s Ministry leadership and participated in the International Women’s Day of Prayer, an annual event promoted by the Women’s Ministry of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. This year’s theme was “Virtuous Living in an Un-virtuous World”.
During the month of March women are celebrated globally. March 8 is International Women’s Day of prayer in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Women have always played an important part in the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, serving in almost all capacities and filling a wide range of roles. (Women’s Ministry. North American Division)
Locally the women of the Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church are just a representation of the thousands of women worldwide, who are contributing to the growth and well-being of churches. The day is also a moment to recognize the courageous and dedicated women who helped shape our church in its early stages.

Welcome Ernie E. R. Wright

“Why Can’t We All Just Get Along” . by Pastor Ernie E. R. Wright, Jr